The Keck CAMM is currently located in the Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE) Laboratory on the UD campus. It houses two 200 kV field emission transmission electron microscopes JEM-2010F and Talos F200C, a LaB6 300kV TEM JEM-3011, an FEI 120kV Tecnai G2 12 Twin transmission electron microscope, two scanning electron microscopes (JSM-7400F and AURIGATM 60 CrossBeamTM, with the AURIGATM 60 being a FIB-SEM dual beam instrument), and two scanning probe microscopes (Multimode NanoScope V and Dimension 3100 V).
The JEM-2010F FasTEM provides 1.9 Å point resolution and 1.0 Å lattice resolution with an information limit of 0.75 Å. A few peripheral attachments further enhance its analytical capabilities; these include the scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) for both bright field (STEM-BF) imaging and high angle annular dark field (STEM-HAADF) imaging, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy filtered imaging, and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS). In addition, this instrument allows remote access and remote control through internet connection.
In addition to conventional imaging and diffraction, the Tecnai G2 12 Twin TEM is facilitated with cryo-TEM and low dose imaging capabilities.
The JSM-7400F field emission scanning electron microscope has a 1 nm resolution at 15 kV and a 1.5 nm resolution at 1 kV. It allows operation in a wide range of beam energies from 0.1 keV to 30 keV, and affords various operation modes, including secondary electron imaging (SEI), backscattered electron imaging, gentle beam mode, and imaging with energy filters. An ultrathin window energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XEDS) detector identifies elements of an atomic number greater than four, and offers a 130 eV spectral resolution. This SEM also allows remote control via the internet.
The AURIGATM 60 CrossbeamTM FIB-SEM provides high resolution solutions for nano-tomography, 3-D imaging and analysis, lamellar and thin foil preparation, and nano-patterning. In conjunction with an Axio Imager M2 light microscope, a “Shuttle & Find” correlative microscopy scheme allows the visible light contrasts and information about feature color, size, and morphology obtained by the light microscope to be combined with advanced analytical methods of the AURIGATM 60 electron and ion optics for the discovery of new structural and elemental information. Additionally, the view-and-slicing capability of the FIB-SEM extends the opportunities to correlative tomography. The high resolution FIB optics of AURIGATM 60, together with its high precision stage, also enables nano-scale patterning or fiducial mark preparation, which can further facilitate other correlative analyses, such as those offered by vibrational spectroscopy.
The Keck Center has over 14 different TEM sample holders, including routine single and double tilt holders, low-background analytical holders, liquid nitrogen cryo-holders and cryo-transfer holders, Protochips Aduro 300 heating & electric holder and Poseidon 500 electrochemical holder, and a Hysitron PI 95 Picoindenter. We have a variety of sample preparation equipment, including 3 ultra-microtomes with cryo-microtomy capabilities, 2 Vitrobot® stations for TEM sample vitrification and cryo-transfer, dimple devices, ion mills (including a PIPS), sputter coaters, carbon coaters, and a low speed diamond saw.
The laboratory staff and associated faculty are knowledgeable in SEM, TEM, and SPM, in addition to their applications in a wide range of materials research. We work with users on campus and other organizations in many areas of advanced microscopy, including research, research training, and consultation.